Saturday, February 21, 2009

Drawn by Peter Schmidt, 1950...

"Ernest Cross", by Peter Schmidt, pencil drawing, 1950
"The attached pencil drawing of me was done at the Lenton Hurst site of Nottingham University in England on 13th October 1950. We were both in the army doing national service, and were attending an arts short course. Peter was a sergeant, in the Education Corps, I think. I remember him telling me at that time that he had completed a sculpture just before coming to Nottingham. It had been carved out of a block of salt, and was called Lot's Wife. I thought the drawing had been lost until last year, when it surfaced during our change of house. "
Ernest Cross
Many thanks to Mr. Cross for sharing this story and this very cherished momento.
This drawing is the oldest example of Peter's work we have in our raisonne catalogue.

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